My Background as a Correctional Officer I was a former female correctional officer for the state of California several years ago and worked in a level 3 and 4 male prisons throughout my six-year career. A level 3 prison is designated for the less violent offenders and level 4 prisons are designated for the most violent offenders who have life without the possibility of parole. I took the Sergeant’s exam for the state of California where I scored […]
Read MoreCorrectional officers monitor and supervise adult offenders in a manner that ensures the safety and well-being of the public, the staff, and the inmates themselves. This is a definition that is given to us at the academy; but, the duties and training of a correctional officer are so extensive that it’s not fair to think of them as prison guards. A GED would be sufficient enough to get a job inside a correctional facility as […]
Read MoreYard Time Described by an Correctional Officer As a correctional officer I’d like to share information about the time your loved one in prison typically has outside in the yard. Level 2 and 3 inmates receive several hours a day of yard time if they don’t have a job or have to be in school. Although inmates enjoy getting out of their 9’X 6’ foot cells, it can be very dangerous and troublesome going on […]
Read MoreRights and Privileges Inmates Have (and Lose) As a past correctional officer in California I thought it would be important for people to know about some of the rights and privileges their loved one have and lose when incarcerated. When someone is incarcerated, they will give up many of their freedoms that they enjoyed before going to prison such as: Using the restroom in private Being able to eat when you want to Being able to have the right to […]
Read MoreCorrectional Officer Explains the different ways of Disciplining Inmates The administration would prefer that you use “progressive discipline” instead of “disciplining inmates” when dealing with prisoners. Progressive discipline is when you try to talk to the inmate first by giving him a warning before you write him up and give him an 115. An 115 is a disciplinary action that could result in more time added to an inmate’s sentence or some of their privileges […]
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