In the middle of a rising career, Chuck Gallagher lost everything and went to prison because he made bad choices. He has since rebuilt his career and his life back to immense success. Chuck focuses on the importance of ethics and how that can help you survive and thrive. He learned a lesson about ethics, choices and consequences the hard way by being convicted of a white-collar crime. Today, Chuck shares his inspiring journey and the […]
Read MoreWhat does a Federal Criminal Appellate Attorney do? How will you know if you need one? Elizabeth Franklin-Best has practiced criminal defense for the past 20 years and has focused on appellate law for the past 16 years. She has represented clients in direct appeals, federal post-conviction, the Circuit Courts of Appeals, and the United States Supreme Court. Conviction is not the end of the road, and there is hope when you have the right information […]
Read More You may have experienced trauma and didn’t even realize it. Jolyn Armstrong, a Certified Trauma Recovery Coach, talks about how trauma can affect anyone. For the Prison: The Hidden Sentence podcast, she focuses on trauma for those who have or had a loved one in the prison system. No matter when you experience trauma, you can still heal from it. Jolyn brings to light things you may not have thought of that can help […]
Read MoreImagine being found to be wrongly convicted after serving three months of your sentence. That’s what happened to Bill Baroni. In this podcast, Bill discusses what he was charged with in the Bridgegate scandal, what he learned about incarceration, and the importance of communication and visitation to keep the prison family together – those behind bars and those on the outside. He has seen the law from all sides now and talks about what […]
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