
Prison the Hidden Sentence | Kate Feigen | Prison Rehabilitation

Prison Monastery: Fostering Intentional Living And Transforming Lives Inside And Out With Kate Feigen

By Podetize / 09/04/2024 / 0 Comments

  In this episode, we delve into the transformative work of Kate Feigen, a dedicated leader at the Prison Monastery, where she helps incarcerated individuals cultivate more intentional and meaningful lives. Through their program, The Art of Soulmaking, Kate and her team guide those behind bars on a journey of self-discovery, spiritual growth, and personal liberation. By fostering an environment of mindfulness and purpose, The Art of Soulmaking empowers individuals to break free from cycles […]

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Prison the Hidden Sentence | Ron Tijerina and Catherine Tijerina | Support Program For Incarcerated

The Ridge Project: Ron And Catherine Tijerina’s Journey To Build A Resilient Support Program For Incarcerated Individuals And Their Families

By Podetize / 08/14/2024 / 0 Comments

  In this episode, we welcome Ron and Catherine Tijerina, the visionary founders of The RIDGE Project. As co-executive directors, they lead a national nonprofit organization and the international TYRO curricula, both dedicated to supporting families affected by incarceration. The Ridge Project offers a range of services, including direct support, family day events, youth programs, case management, and professional development. Ron and Catherine, along with Brandon Tijerina, are also the authors of the inspiring book […]

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Prison the Hidden Sentence | Jim Cox | Prison Education

Educational Opportunities For The Incarcerated And Formerly Incarcerated With Jim Cox From Ashland University

By Podetize / 07/17/2024 / 0 Comments

In this episode, Jim Cox from Ashland University joins us to share eye-opening insights into their transformative educational programs for incarcerated and formerly incarcerated individuals. Discover compelling stories of resilience and success, learn how education can reduce recidivism, and understand the powerful impact these programs have on individuals and society. This inspiring conversation reveals how education can be a catalyst for change and a beacon of hope for those re-entering our communities. Don’t miss this […]

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Prison the Hidden Sentence | Kayla Victor | Connecting For Justice

Connecting For Justice With Kayla Victor

By Podetize / 05/15/2024 / 0 Comments

  Join Kayla Victor, the Chair of the Connecting for Justice International Conference, and Julia Lazareck, founder of Prison The Hidden Sentence and president of Prison Families Alliance, as they discuss the significance of this year’s event, emphasizing the importance of sharing stories and gaining insights from diverse perspectives. From individuals with loved ones in the carceral system to counselors, returning citizens, educators, law enforcement, judges, elected officials, victims of crimes, students, and more, this […]

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