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WELCOME TO SEASON 4 of The Hidden Sentence Podcast.

The purpose of this podcast and it's blog is to help educate and empower those who have or had a loved one in prison.  Did you know that the chances are very high that someone you know has had a loved one incarcerated? Or maybe you are part of the 50% of the US population* who has or had a loved one in the carceral system? Indirectly we are all affected, and if you have a loved one in prison you are probably doing the time even though you committed no crime. This is the Hidden Sentence. The sentence does not end once your loved one is released either. Depending on the type of release he or she may still need to deal with probation or parole which carries its own set of regulations. So the prison issue continues for an indeterminable about of time. Prison: The Hidden Sentence is about those friends and family members on the outside. We are raising awareness one story at a time.

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Episode Blogs

Prison the Hidden Sentence
Nicole Richardson – Poet at the International Prisoners Family Conference and Beyond! The 10th annual InterNational Prisoners Family Conference was held October 10-12 in Dallas, Texas.  One of the bright lights in the conference were readings from the poetry of Nicole Richardson.  Her writings are compelling and draw you in and you’ll want to hear more! Through her poetry, she captures the thoughts and feelings of what someone on the outside goes through while their
10th Annual International Prisoners Family Conference This year’s conference was held in Dallas, Texas, October 10-12, 2018. Carolyn Esparza has been leading the way and bringing people together at every one of these conferences for the past 10 years! Her insight to the affects of incarceration on families and communities has enabled her to bring important information and informative speakers to the conference so that everyone can learn, meet other great people, and leave with
Vote Restoration for Felons
How Felons Can Restore Their Voting Rights Today I’m talking to Aaron Esparza, Field Organizer for Restore Your Vote campaign, a project of the  Campaign Legal Center. He’s here to provide information about how ex-felons can restore their voting rights here in Nevada. Listen to the podcast here: TRANSCRIPT: (Minor edits for easier reading) Aaron could you tell us more about the campaign? Thanks for having me here today. Our campaign is focused on fighting the misconception
Prison the Hidden Sentence
Re-entry after 37 Years in Prison Can you imagine what it would be like having your sons coming home from prison after 37 years? I spoke to a very special lady who has done so much to support her sons and others traversing the prison system. You can never give up, you have to keep in contact with your loved one that’s in prison, and give them the opportunity to contact you as much as
Prison the Hidden Sentence
Family Support for Incarcerated Daughter A couple of years ago our daughter did get out, and nobody wanted to even recognize her because she was a felon…and that’s a shame. Listen to the podcast here: TRANSCRIPT: (Minor edits for easier reading) Today I’m here today with a couple who had an incarcerated daughter. Their daughter was an in and out of prison for 10 years, and is now out on parole and has a two-year
Step-daughter in and out of prison When somebody goes into prison, it affects the whole family. Listen to the podcast here: TRANSCRIPT: (Minor edits for easier reading) Today I’m here with Annabel who has a step-daughter that was in and out of the prison system for many years. Her step-daughter is now out of prison and had been on probation for five years. Now she’s doing really well, however it’s been a long journey for

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