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WELCOME TO SEASON 4 of The Hidden Sentence Podcast.

The purpose of this podcast and it's blog is to help educate and empower those who have or had a loved one in prison.  Did you know that the chances are very high that someone you know has had a loved one incarcerated? Or maybe you are part of the 50% of the US population* who has or had a loved one in the carceral system? Indirectly we are all affected, and if you have a loved one in prison you are probably doing the time even though you committed no crime. This is the Hidden Sentence. The sentence does not end once your loved one is released either. Depending on the type of release he or she may still need to deal with probation or parole which carries its own set of regulations. So the prison issue continues for an indeterminable about of time. Prison: The Hidden Sentence is about those friends and family members on the outside. We are raising awareness one story at a time.

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Episode Blogs

  The criminal justice system has implemented efficient regulations in throwing wrongdoers to jail. However, it fails miserably in providing recovery support once they get out. David Rothenberg was able to change this poor aspect of the New York’s correctional system all thanks to one trip to prison in 1966. He joins Julia Lazareck to share how producing an off-Broadway play about incarceration inspired him to start Fortune Society. David shares how he and his
  Wrongful Convictions affect not only the person in question but also his family and loved ones. Could you imagine spending years in prison for a crime you didn’t commit? Your whole life will change, especially once you adjust to the outside world. Join Julia Lazareck as she talks to Dr. Amanda Lewis about how wrongful convictions can happen to anyone and their ripple effect on families and society. She discusses the support that families need to
PHI S3 12 | Disenfranchised Grief
  Disenfranchised Grief affects families who have incarcerated loved ones. When a family member is incarcerated, it is a loss to the family. Those outside find it difficult to openly acknowledge their feelings or seek public support. In this episode, learn the six factors contributing to disenfranchised grief and ways to alleviate the grief. Julia Lazareck interviews Allegra Pocinki, whose work focuses on racial disparities in the criminal justice system, specifically the impacts of incarceration for
PHI S3 11 | Collateral Consequences
  Collateral consequences are something that most people are not aware of when accepting a plea and how it affects their integration back into society after release. Collateral consequences affect not only the people involved but also our society as a whole. We want people coming out of the prison system to be contributing citizens. However, the collateral consequences can prohibit people from obtaining basic needs such as work, housing, and more. In this episode,
PHI S3 10 Rita | Prison Visit
  Imagine not seeing your son for over six months because he’s 3000 miles away in state prison. Rita arrived in Las Vegas so excited to see her son. When she told a friend that she needed to check the bus schedule, she was informed that there were no buses to the prison. When she checked taxis, Lyft, and Uber, they were over $100. She was at a loss. All she wanted to do was
PHI S3 9 Vera | Prison Trauma
  Incarceration can be traumatic to everyone involved. However, you can get your life together, and your life can flourish no matter what happened to you in the past. Vera Moore started True Beginnings to assist formerly incarcerated people and their families rebuild self-esteem while reclaiming their rightful place as contributing members of society. Vera is a formerly incarcerated woman and community activist who made it her mission to support and guide other women through the process

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