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WELCOME TO SEASON 4 of The Hidden Sentence Podcast.

The purpose of this podcast and it's blog is to help educate and empower those who have or had a loved one in prison.  Did you know that the chances are very high that someone you know has had a loved one incarcerated? Or maybe you are part of the 50% of the US population* who has or had a loved one in the carceral system? Indirectly we are all affected, and if you have a loved one in prison you are probably doing the time even though you committed no crime. This is the Hidden Sentence. The sentence does not end once your loved one is released either. Depending on the type of release he or she may still need to deal with probation or parole which carries its own set of regulations. So the prison issue continues for an indeterminable about of time. Prison: The Hidden Sentence is about those friends and family members on the outside. We are raising awareness one story at a time.

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Episode Blogs

PHI S3 10 Rita | Prison Visit
  Imagine not seeing your son for over six months because he’s 3000 miles away in state prison. Rita arrived in Las Vegas so excited to see her son. When she told a friend that she needed to check the bus schedule, she was informed that there were no buses to the prison. When she checked taxis, Lyft, and Uber, they were over $100. She was at a loss. All she wanted to do was
PHI S3 9 Vera | Prison Trauma
  Incarceration can be traumatic to everyone involved. However, you can get your life together, and your life can flourish no matter what happened to you in the past. Vera Moore started True Beginnings to assist formerly incarcerated people and their families rebuild self-esteem while reclaiming their rightful place as contributing members of society. Vera is a formerly incarcerated woman and community activist who made it her mission to support and guide other women through the process
PHI S3 8 | Bitter Or Better
  Imagine being incarcerated for 1,385 days, away from your children and grandchildren? Melisa Schonfield shares her story about what she learned while in prison and the effects it had on her family. She compares prison life to real life in ways we may not have thought of. What’s it like visiting the doctor in prison and the things she did when she was released because she had been institutionalized. Hear this and more. Melisa
PHI S3 7 | Life After Prison
  This is part two of the journey of Ro and Adam Clausen. In the first part, you learned about how their strong relationship was formed during Adam’s incarceration. We followed them from their first meeting through Adam’s release. Today, we pick up the story with the day that Adam was released and how they moved across country to start a new life. They’ve accomplished a lot in the short time that Adam’s been home and added an
PHI S3 6 Rosanne | Release From Incarceration
    This is an amazing story about two people who met through a friend that changed their lives forever. Ro Clausen had a friend whose boyfriend was in prison. Her friend suggested that she communicate with her boyfriend’s friend, Adam Clausen, who was also incarcerated. Little did she know how much they would have in common and that they would be able to create a deep relationship. Adam was hesitant to start a relationship because of his
PSI S3 5 | Experience Of Being Arrested
  Arrests can happen to anyone. Incarceration, even for a day, can impact your life. It would permanently be etched on you and change your perspective. In this episode of Prison: The Hidden Sentence Podcast, host Julia Lazareck is joined by Lily, a native and retired hunter–jumper horse trainer as she shares her experience of being arrested, how it affected her life, and her view of the criminal justice system. — Listen to the podcast

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