Destinee and Mario Redding’s remarkable love story endured and flourished through the challenges of Mario’s 17-year incarceration. In this powerful episode, they share their journey of love, incarceration, resilience, and the strength to overcome hardships that seemed insurmountable. Hear firsthand how they navigated the emotional and practical struggles of prison life while maintaining a deep connection and planning for a bright future together. If you’re seeking inspiration, hope, or a testament to unwavering dedication, Destinee […]
Read MoreIn Part I, Carlos Rebollo shared his story about what it was like being incarcerated as a 15-year-old juvenile in an adult prison. He served 24 years and was incarcerated longer than he was free. In this second part, Carlos shares his experiences-from the time he learned that he would be released to where he is today and all that he’s accomplished. When someone is released from prison after serving long sentences, they can have problems […]
Read MoreHear the incredible story of Carlos Rebollo, who was incarcerated at just 15 years old and served 24 years in adult prisons. If you have a loved one in prison, then Carlos’ story will give you hope. If you never knew anyone who was incarcerated (or thought you didn’t), this story will humanize the prison experience. Carlos will take you on his journey from being an angry young man to growing into the man […]
Read MoreImagine being found to be wrongly convicted after serving three months of your sentence. That’s what happened to Bill Baroni. In this podcast, Bill discusses what he was charged with in the Bridgegate scandal, what he learned about incarceration, and the importance of communication and visitation to keep the prison family together – those behind bars and those on the outside. He has seen the law from all sides now and talks about what […]
Read MoreWhere can people who have loved ones in the criminal justice system, law enforcement and the judicial system, mental health professionals, legislatures, government officials, scholars, teachers, professors, and communities come together to share stories and learn from each other? They can come together at the InterNational Prisoner’s Family Conference! Kayla Victor and Carolyn Esparza talk about the International Prisoner’s Family Conference in this episode. They both share the history of the International Prisoner’s Family […]
Read MoreCollateral consequences are something that most people are not aware of when accepting a plea and how it affects their integration back into society after release. Collateral consequences affect not only the people involved but also our society as a whole. We want people coming out of the prison system to be contributing citizens. However, the collateral consequences can prohibit people from obtaining basic needs such as work, housing, and more. In this episode, […]
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