At the Sentencing My Brother Was Given Life In Prison and It Changed My Life
This is my story and my experience as someone who had a loved one sent to prison. The trial lasted a few hours and life changed in one moment d
uring the sentencing: GUILTY and sentenced to LIFE IN PRISON. When they announced the verdict that the jury found him guilty and his sentencing, I didn’t know what to do. The bailiff rose to take him away and I just ran up to him and looked into his eyes. I saw the fright in his eyes. I felt fear and disbelief; was this really happening? I didn’t know what to do. I told him to give me his watch and ring; I needed to have some part of him. They took my little brother away from me and our friends and family.
I didn’t know what to expect or who I could talk to. When I got home I curled up like a baby, the pain in my heart was so great, and I cried for hours. I’ll never forgot the feeling of loss and helplessness the day of the sentencing or the first day I visited him in prison. Nothing in my life had prepared me for this. He went to prison many years ago when the internet and information was not as widely available as it is now. I received most of the visitation information from him.
I visited him many times during the 15 years he was incarcerated. He did serve his life sentence; he died in prison from Hepatitis C. Visiting him was very difficult for me; I loved him, but hated visiting the many prisons he was in over the 15 years. Prior to, and after, each visit I would get depressed. During every day life little things reminded me of him. I cried and hid my tears so I wouldn’t have to explain myself if anyone was around, mostly crying in the bathroom stall or in my car. The toughest part was that I didn’t have anyone to talk to. Luckily, things are changing now and more information is available.
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