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WELCOME TO SEASON 4 of The Hidden Sentence Podcast.

The purpose of this podcast and it's blog is to help educate and empower those who have or had a loved one in prison.  Did you know that the chances are very high that someone you know has had a loved one incarcerated? Or maybe you are part of the 50% of the US population* who has or had a loved one in the carceral system? Indirectly we are all affected, and if you have a loved one in prison you are probably doing the time even though you committed no crime. This is the Hidden Sentence. The sentence does not end once your loved one is released either. Depending on the type of release he or she may still need to deal with probation or parole which carries its own set of regulations. So the prison issue continues for an indeterminable about of time. Prison: The Hidden Sentence is about those friends and family members on the outside. We are raising awareness one story at a time.

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Episode Blogs

PHI 22 | Prison Relationship
What would you do if your loved one was incarcerated? Would you leave or stay? Amy Rolack did both. When her childhood sweetheart got incarcerated, she broke off the relationship. After ten long years, she reached back out to him, and now they are married. Join your host Julia Lazareck and her guest Amy Rolack as they talk about what it’s like to have a prison relationship. Discover how Amy coped with this struggle and
PHI 21 | Mass Incarceration
  Let people know the struggle you’re going through to lift the stigma and raise awareness. Julia Lazareck’s guest, Nora Raleigh Baskin, shares her discovery about mass incarceration. Nora is an award-winning writer introduced to mass incarceration through a program she was asked to participate in at a prison. She was shocked at what she learned and was drawn to writing about it. She wrote Ruby on the Outside, which is about a child’s journey
PHI 20 | Empower Your Life
  Has life ever handed you a bunch of lemons? Our guest has been there and shares how she took those lemons and found a way to make lemonade and improve her life. Joining Julia Lazareck today is Dr. Tamara Pelosi. Dr. Pelosi suffered from severe emotional trauma with her husband’s imprisonment. When someone is taken into the prison system, it can affect the whole family. Join in the conversation as Dr. Pelosi provides tools
PHI 19 | Mass Incarceration
  How do you make an impact on mass incarceration? Testify your story, and don’t put so many expectations on your incarcerated loved one. Julia Lazareck’s guest in this episode is Latasha Drax, the founder of I.M.P.A.C.T. Beyond the Wall. Latasha is committed to helping build families and strengthen relationships impacted by incarceration. She was married to her husband for 16 years while he was incarcerated. Latasha shares her journey towards healing, not only for
PHI 18 | Prison The Hidden Sentence
  When you experience trauma, you can either become a victim or a cheerleader. Matt Duhamel, of The Outspoken Offender, interviews Julia Lazareck on her podcast to discuss the backstory behind her book Prison: The Hidden Sentence™. Julia is a cheerleader to others who are going through what she went through by sharing the information they need. Julia wants you to remember that no matter what your loved one is accused of, you can still
PHI 17 | Sexual Offenses
  Sexual offenses are often considered one of the most heinous crimes, especially those committed against children. But is there a path towards redemption for people incarcerated for these crimes? Julia Lazareck is on air to answer this question as she talks to a survivor of incarceration for sexual offenses. Jim shares his story with remarkable honesty, candor, and transparency as he discusses his decades-long journey from sex offenders to advocate for reform and rehabilitation.

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